10 ways virtual reality is using virtual reality to make the world a better place

The artificial world, for the creation of which special technical devices are used, is called virtual reality. What is this – fashionable entertainment or a necessity in modern realities? The growing power of computer systems and digital techniques have raised technology to a fundamentally new level, making it possible to enter not only the entertainment industry market, but also to cover a wide range of new areas of human activity. To create a three-dimensional image, a virtual reality helmet, glasses (or entire VR rooms) and adapted content are used. Their interaction allows you to immerse yourself in an amazing world created for a specific task.

Treatment of paraplegia

A study conducted at Duke University found that treating paralyzed people using virtual reality produces amazing results.

During the experiment, patients played virtual football in a VR helmet. After this therapy, the areas of the brain responsible for leg movements were restored. Of the eight participants in the experiment, all regained control of their legs to varying degrees, and in four the diagnosis of “complete paralysis of the lower extremities” was changed to “partial paralysis.”

Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Exposure psychotherapy is commonly used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During treatment, the patient imagines traumatic events and tells the doctor what happens when he encounters a stressful situation.

Virtual reality works in a similar way, only from the patient’s imagination the action is transferred to the screen of a VR helmet. An environment corresponding to traumatic events is created in the virtual space. For example, for military veterans it will be a world with helicopters, machine guns and missiles. After viewing, the doctor asks the patient to tell what happened in virtual reality. By facing traumatic events in a safe environment, a person gradually learns to control his fears.

Virtual reality technology

 This article discusses virtual reality technology and why we need it, the pros and cons of this technology, the history of the creation of virtual reality. We will also find out whether there are other technologies like virtual reality, what is their difference, what accessories or applications help you work in a virtual environment.

Keywords : virtual reality, virtual reality glasses, augmented reality, mixed reality, medicine, military, training.

In this article, we will consider Virtual Reality Technology. This article describes the history of creating virtual reality. We will also find out if there are other technologies like Virtual Reality, what is their difference, what accessories and applications are used to work in virtual environment.

Keywords : virtual reality, virtual reality glasses, augmented reality, mixed reality, medicine, military, training.

Many people think that virtual reality is “entertainment” for children and teenagers, but this is far from the case. This technology is used far beyond the gaming industry. Virtual reality can be used in education, medicine, architecture, and also in aviation [1].

Throughout history, man has strived to imitate with maximum accuracy the reality in which he lives, to convey sensations, and to imitate various actions in the form of sound and image.

Of course, there are numerous disputes and debates about when humanity first came to the idea and started talking about the possibility of creating virtual realities. But the modern interpretation of the concept was invented in the 40s of the 20th century.

History of virtual reality

Pygmalion glasses. In 1935, Stanley Weinbaum published “The Glasses of Pygmalion” (Fig. 1), a science fiction story. The main character of the story wears glasses that transport him to a fictional world that stimulates his senses well and shows holographic recordings. Some consider it the origin of the concept of virtual reality (VR), as the story was a good prediction of the goals and achievements of the future.

Rice. 1. Story “Pygmalion’s Glasses”

Sensorama. Filmmaker Morton Heilig created Sensorama, (Figure 2) the first virtual reality machine (patented in 1962). It was a large booth that could accommodate up to four people at a time. It combined several technologies to stimulate all the senses: full-color 3D video, audio, vibrations, smells and atmospheric effects such as wind were combined.

This was done with the help of fragrances, a vibrating chair, stereo speakers and a stereoscopic 3D screen. Heilig believed that Sensorama was the "cinema of the future" and wanted to completely immerse people in his films. Six short films were developed for it.

Rice. 2. Sensorama VR machine

Telesphere Mask and Headsight. In 1960, Heilig also patented the Telesphere Mask, which was the first head-mounted display (HMD). This provided stereoscopic 3D images with wide vision and stereo sound. At this point, the headphones did not have any motion tracking.

Rice. 3. Telesphere Mask

In 1961, a helmet of a similar design appeared in the United States of America, but with tracking of head movements. It was designed by Philco Corporation engineers Como and Brian.

Until Headsight (Figure 4) was created by Como and Brian, two Philco engineers. The head sight was the first HMD motion tracking device. It had built-in video screens for each eye and a head tracking system.

However, this has not been used for virtual reality; it was designed for the military to allow them to view dangerous situations remotely. The remote camera simulated head movements so that the user could look around the situation.

Rice. 4. Head Sight Helmet

Sutherland's contribution. Sutherland, along with his student Bob Sproull, created the first virtual reality HMD, called the Sword of Damocles (Figure 5). This head-mount was connected to a computer rather than a camera, and was quite primitive in that it could only show simple virtual shapes of wire frames.

These 3D models changed perspective when the user moved their head due to the tracking system. It was never developed outside of a laboratory project because it was too heavy for users to carry comfortably; they had to be strapped in because it was suspended from the ceiling.

Rice. 5. Sword of Damocles

1970s Kruger's Place Video, the first interactive virtual reality platform, (Figure 6) was exhibited at the Milwaukee Arts Center. He used computer graphics, projectors, video cameras, video displays and location technology, and he did not use glasses or gloves. VIDEO SITE consisted of dark rooms with large video screens surrounding the user in VR mode.

Rice. 6. Myron Kruger artificial reality

Users could see computer-generated silhouettes of themselves imitating their own movements and actions—users' movements were recorded on camera and transmitted to the silhouette. Additionally, users in different rooms could interact with silhouettes of other users in the same virtual world. This encouraged the idea that people could communicate in the virtual world even if they were not physically close.

1980s Jaron Lanier and Thomas Zimmerman founded VPL Research, Inc. This company is known as the first company to sell VR glasses and gloves. They have developed a range of VR equipment such as the Data Glove, EyePhone HMD and AudioSphere (Figure 7).

Rice. 7. VPL Research has developed a range of VR equipment

Research in the 70s and 80s created the basis for mass use and commercial application of MK. The potential of some developments from this time is still used today, such as binaural sound, interaction and body tracking.

A virtual reality

Virtual reality is a computer simulation for creating a three-dimensional environment using computer technology. The main goal of virtual reality is that we can use our senses (hearing, vision, touch, sometimes even charm) to perceive and immerse ourselves in the virtual world. The most important thing in such an “imitation” is believability. In order for a person to be immersed in the virtual world as strongly and deeply as possible, he must have the opportunity to interact with objects in the virtual world [1].

There are different approaches to simulating reality. They are very different in concept. Since the degree of immersion is very different. VR, CR, AR, MR, XR are different things.

As we said earlier, virtual reality is an “artificial environment” that provides sensations through computer-provided sensory stimuli, that is, video and sounds.

Augmented (AR) and mixed (MR) reality

Augmented reality is another popular technology after VR. The essence of augmented reality is that it takes our current reality and changes it by superimposing virtual objects on our picture.

If we compare Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), then Augmented Reality is simpler than Virtual Reality. The simplicity of augmented reality lies in the fact that it does not require powerful hardware or complex applications [4].

Mixed reality (eng. Mixed Reality) - combines ordinary reality with virtual reality [9]. We can use this technology as we please. It's not just about entertainment, but also about practical tasks. With the help of this technology, people conduct military training for the safety of human health. That is, this technology draws three-dimensional objects into the real world, so that people cannot distinguish one from another [2].

Where is VR technology used?

Virtual reality technology, in simple terms, is most often used in the entertainment industry, or for applied (educational, industrial) purposes.

In games. Speaking in the first case, we are talking about the video game industry. In addition, VR is often used in interactive cinema. The main feature of VR games is the direct immersion of the player into the virtual world. The gameplay in VR games is on a completely different level compared to the gameplay in regular games, since the gameplay involves the active interaction of the player with the world around him.

For educational purposes. VR is a great way to turn studying from “punishment” into an interesting computer game or attraction for students (Fig. 9).

The use of virtual reality in education is not limited to the military or medical field, but extends to schools with virtual reality also adopted in education for teaching and learning. Students can interact with each other and in a 3D environment. They can also be taken on virtual excursions such as museums, solar system tours, and time travel to different eras. Virtual reality can be especially beneficial for students with special needs such as autism. Research has shown that VR can be a motivating platform for safely practicing social skills for children, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Technology company Floreo has developed virtual reality scenarios that allow children to learn and practice skills such as pointing, eye contact and building social connections. Parents can also monitor and interact using a linked tablet.

For military purposes. Military personnel in the UK and US use virtual reality technology in their training as it allows them to carry out a huge range of simulations. VR is used in all branches of the military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard (Figure 8). In a world where technology is accepted from an early age and children are accustomed to video games and computers, VR is proving to be an effective teaching method. VR can transport the learner to different situations, places and environments for different learning purposes. The military uses it for flight simulation, battlefield simulation, medic training, vehicle simulation, and virtual boot camp, among other things. VR is a fully immersive, visual and audio experience that can safely simulate dangerous training situations to train and train soldiers without putting them at risk until they are ready for combat. Additionally, it can also be used to teach soldiers some softer skills, including communicating with local civilians or international counterparts when they are in the field. Other uses include the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers returning from combat and needing help adjusting to normal life situations; this is known as Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET). A key benefit of using virtual reality technology in the military is reduced training costs.

Rice. 8. VR in military training

In sports. VR is revolutionizing the sports industry for players, coaches and spectators. Virtual reality can be used by coaches and players to train more effectively in various sports as they can observe and experience certain situations repeatedly and can improve each time (Figure 9). Essentially, it is used as a teaching tool for measuring sports performance and analyzing technique. Some say it can also be used to improve the cognitive abilities of injured athletes by allowing them to virtually experience game scenarios. Likewise, VR is also used to enhance the viewer's experience of a sporting event. Broadcasters are now broadcasting live games in virtual reality and are preparing to one day sell virtual tickets to live games so that anyone anywhere in the world can “attend” any sporting event. It could also potentially allow those who cannot afford to spend money to attend live sporting events to feel included as they can enjoy the same experience remotely, either for free or at a lower cost.

Rice. 9. VR in sports training

In medical training. Due to its interactive nature, medical and dental students have begun to use VR to practice surgeries and procedures, creating a consequence-free learning environment; eliminates the risk of harm or error during practice on real patients. Virtual patients are used to allow students to develop skills that can later be applied in the real world. The use of VR technology in the medical industry is an effective way to not only improve the quality of student learning, but also provides an excellent opportunity to optimize costs, especially as medical services are constantly under pressure from tight budgets. (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. VR in medical training

How virtual reality glasses work

Inside the virtual reality glasses there are two lenses that receive images from a PC or a smartphone. The glasses separate the image seen by the left and right eyes. The glasses separate the image using a special partition, that is, the user will not see the edges of the screen with his peripheral vision. The brain processes the information it sees and perceives the two pictures as a single whole. In addition, the image acquires volume [12] [13].

Rice. 11. Samsung Gear VR glasses

A smartphone can be used as such a screen (a fairly common solution) and a display specially created for this purpose, built into the structure itself. Usually, the second option is more expensive and is much better in terms of characteristics and immersion properties. The price, naturally, for such a device is several times higher. Although both the first and second versions of the VR device can interact with the computer [13].

How to get a VR experience

Today there are so many ways to get a VR experience. But one of the simplest ways is to make VR glasses and a helmet yourself. You can use the Google Cardboard project and insert your smartphone into homemade VR glasses. This method is considered one of the simplest.

In addition, it is better to purchase a whole set for the best VR experience (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Oculus Rift S virtual reality helmet

Types of Virtual Reality

Among the many VR formats, these are the 5 most influential:

– VR technologies with the effect of full immersion (Fully immersive reality);

– VR technologies with semi-immersion (Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality);

– VR technologies without immersion (Non-immersive reality);

– VR technologies with a joint infrastructure (Collaborative);

– VR based on Internet technologies (Web-based).

VR technologies with full immersion effect . Unlike non-immersive VR, fully immersive VR technology ensures that you have a realistic experience in the virtual world. It will be as if you are physically present in this virtual world, and everything is happening to you for real.

It's an expensive form of virtual reality that includes headsets, gloves, and body connectors with sense sensors. They are connected to a powerful computer. Your movements, reactions and even the blink of an eye are detected and projected in the virtual world. You will feel like you are physically in the virtual world.

One example would be a virtual shooter game area where you will be equipped with gears in a small room and you will view the virtual world through a helmet where you will face other shooters trying to kill you. You will move your arms and body to run, jump, crouch, shoot, throw and much more in the game.

A new concept of virtual medical training is being considered to train neurosurgeons to avoid disasters during risky brain surgeries. Many more such concepts are being implemented and will hopefully lead to better lives for us.

Fully immersive VR is expensive and not yet widely developed.

Non-immersive VR technologies . This virtual reality refers to a computer-assisted virtual experience where you can control some characters or actions in the software, but the environment does not interact with you directly.

For example, when you play video games such as World of WarCraft, you can control characters in the game that have their own animations and attributes. Technically you're dealing with a virtual world, but you're not the focus of the game. All actions or functions rather interact with the characters within.

So basically, all major forms of gaming devices like PlayStation, Xbox, computer, etc. provide you with a non-immersive VR experience.

However, the US Defense Forces has suggested that strategy games could help develop the US Army's planning and strategic expertise as early as 2022. This was put into effective use from summer 2022.

Semi-immersive VR technologies . This virtual reality is a mixture of non-immersive VR and fully immersive VR. This can be in the form of a 3D space or virtual environment where you can navigate yourself either through a computer screen or through a VR box/headset.

Thus, all activities in the virtual world are focused on you. However, you have no actual physical movement other than your visual experience. On a computer, you can use the mouse to move around a virtual space, and on mobile devices, you can touch and swipe to move around the space.

Most semi-immersive VR environments support a gyroscope, which means that the virtual space will be pinned to your phone on a vertical axis and you will have to literally move your phone in different directions to view the virtual environment in those directions. Swiping won't work.

Those connected to VR boxes are more interactive, as they are also a form of gyroscope, but without the use of hands. When you wear a VR box/headset, you will only be able to see the virtual environment and not your real world even out of the corner of your eye. This creates a realistic experience.

Semi-immersive VR technology is the most cost-effective and widely used of all forms of virtual reality after non-immersive VR.

VR technologies with shared infrastructure. Critics of virtual reality argue that it can cause people to become too immersed and therefore isolated, but the technology can bring people closer together than before. Collaborative virtual reality takes video conferencing programs such as Skype to the next level.

This form of virtual reality projects the same virtual environment to multiple users at once, no matter how far they may be from each other. As a result, they can exchange ideas and work together on projects.

VR based on Internet technologies. Some scientists have discovered ways to use virtual reality over the Internet using Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML). This gives people the opportunity to discover new and interesting things that the Internet has to offer. Additionally, people can interact and have real-life experiences with their friends on social media.

How VR will change our lives in the future

There will be dynamic changes in people's lives in the future as virtual reality has a lot to offer. With the advancement of VR application development, we should expect the world to be able to share knowledge and information that will impact our lives. Using virtual reality, people will be able to get education in remote areas and also share updated information and knowledge in different parts of the world. Students will be able to concentrate better as they will not have any distractions during their virtual reality training program.

Surgeons would also improve their skills by being able to practice on things that are not real people and find ways to improve medical science and technology. Virtual surgery training is typically conducted on a VR interface that creates interactive simulated specimens suffering from different categories of diseases requiring surgery so that surgeons can better perform their work for the benefit of humanity.

Virtual reality will give people the opportunity to travel without having to leave their homes. The future promises people the ability to shop, travel and even socialize without ever leaving their home. In addition, virtual reality will allow people to feel comfortable while working from home. With the development of VR application, people can work from anywhere by connecting to digital printers and they will even perform continuous tasks.


VR represents one of the main areas of development in the IT field. VR, AR, XR and other technologies are already part of our bright future, as they are already used not only in the entertainment industry, but also in education and for solving applied problems.

In this article we looked at what VR is. We also looked at VR, AR and MR, and found out what the difference is between them, and how to get a VR experience, how virtual reality glasses work, and also briefly went through the history of virtual reality.


  1. “Virtual reality is not “so-so games,” but a useful thing that is already used everywhere,” March 30, 2022, https://www.ferra.ru/experts/computers/virtualnaya-realnost-htc.htm
  2. “New realities”, March 28, 2022, https://vrexpo.world/blog/novye-realnosti-vse-pro-vr-xr-ar-i-mr
  3. “Virtual reality”, March 30, 2022, https://iot.ru/wiki/virtualnaya-realnost
  4. “What is the difference between AR, VR and MR?”, April 1, 2022, https://fountain.company/blog/v-chjom-raznica-mezhdu-ar-vr-i-mr/
  5. “A Brief History of VR: Part One - Early Concepts and First Steps from the 1930s to the 1960s,” March 30, 2022, https://habr.com/ru/company/pult/blog/517050/
  6. “A brief history of VR in the 70s - 80s: military industry, interactive maps, experience in games and VR for NASA with binaural sound,” March 30, 2021, https://habr.com/ru/company/pult/blog /517296/
  7. “Areas of application of virtual reality”, April 16, 2022, https://nextspace.work/sfery-primeneniya-virtualnoi-realnosti/
  8. “Military Complex”, April 16, 2022, https://lookinar.com/ru/prymenenye-ar-vr-voenn %D1 %8Bmy/
  9. “Mixed Reality Technology Mixed Reality MR”, April 16, 2021, https://funreality.ru/technology/mixed_reality/
  10. “5 Exciting Uses for Virtual Reality”, April 16, 2022, https://www.fdmgroup.com/5-exciting-uses-for-virtual-reality/#:~:text=VR %20is %20used %20in % 20all,an %20effect %20method %20of %20training.
  11. “Virtual reality (VR)”, April 26, 2022, https://www.it.ua/ru/knowledge-base/technology-innovation/virtualnaja-realnost-vr
  12. “How do virtual reality glasses work?”, April 26, 2022, https://www.boonget.ru/articles/kak_ustroeny_ochki_virtualnoj_realnosti/
  13. “Virtual reality glasses for PC”, April 26, 2022, https://future2day.ru/ochki-virtualnoj-realnosti-dlya-pk-obzor-texnologii-i-vr-shlemov/

Helping children with autism acquire social skills

A professor at the University of Texas at Dallas has created a program that uses virtual reality to develop social skills in children with autism. Michelle R. Kandalaft, Nyaz Didehbani, Daniel C. Krawczyk, Tandra T. Allen, Sandra B. Chapman. Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training for Young Adults with High-Functioning Autism. .

By placing children and teens in social scenarios, such as a job interview or a blind date, the program teaches them to recognize social cues and respond appropriately. While children were using his development, the professor noticed an increase in brain activity in areas responsible for understanding social cues.

2.2. Types of motion tracking

The most common way to track movements is the Inside-Out

with cameras built into the headset. This approach is implemented in the Oculus Rift S, HTC Vive Cosmos and all Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

There is also an Outside-In

with base stations placed in the corners of the room to help the headset and controllers track their exact location (HTC Vive Cosmos Elite, Valve Index).

5. Outside-In and Inside-Out Tracking Advanced headsets use simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) to track features of the physical environment around a person.

Example of how SLAM works

Help for business

Virtual reality is already being used in various areas of business to reduce costs, reduce business travel, conduct interviews, tours and meetings, and predict trends.

Instead of actually traveling or interviewing candidates face-to-face, companies are using virtual meeting rooms.

Businesses dealing with hazardous or new products can use virtual reality to evaluate the safety and functionality of their products without risking the health of employees.

2.4. VR via web browser


– cross-platform API for 3D graphics in the browser. It executes as an HTML5 element and is therefore a full part of the browser's Document Object Model (DOM API). Can be used with programming languages ​​that support the DOM API: JavaScript, Rust, Java, Kotlin, etc.

There are various frameworks available to make working with WebGL easier. All of them are distributed under a free license (MIT, Apache 2 or BSD), written in JavaScript and have a similar set of functions: working with geometry, material, light, animation, cameras, shaders, text and 3D audio. Here are some of them:

  • three.js – website, GitHub, MIT.
  • Babylon.js – website, GitHub, Apache 2.
  • A-Frame – website, GitHub, MIT.
  • PlayCanvas – website, GitHub, Apache 2.
  • React 360 – website, GitHub, BSD.
  • AR.js - GitHub, MIT.

Creation of architectural models

Virtual reality has taken a strong place in design activities. Designers and architects have long enjoyed the benefits of virtual space: computer-generated models have replaced hand-drawn drawings, significantly speeding up layout adjustments, reducing costs and increasing safety.

Simulating the real world not only made it easier to create structures and organize spaces, but also made it possible to test the environment before the building was built. For example, you can find out how quickly people can leave a structure in the event of an emergency.

How VR helmets may differ from each other:

The need for additional equipment. There are helmets that require connection to a computer, they are also called PC headsets. There are stand-alone helmets in which all the hardware is placed inside the helmet.

Level of supported graphics. The weaker the hardware, the lower the level of graphics. Standalone helmets use compact mobile chips, so the graphics level is lower. PC headsets have a higher level of graphics available.

The number of degrees of freedom. Now there are two standards on the market: 3 degrees of freedom (3DoF), in such helmets the turns and rotation of the head are tracked, but not the movement of the legs. 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) - in such helmets, virtual space reacts not only to rotation, but also to movement of the head in space.

Ergonomics – how comfortably the helmet fits on your head. Stand-alone helmets are convenient because they do not have any wires, but often all the hardware and battery are located in the front of the helmet, so discomfort can occur. Computer headsets usually have a higher price, so developers do not skimp on the design of the mounts. But at the same time you will be “tied” to the computer by a wire.

VR helmets also differ in technical features, which are usually indicated in the product description: screen resolution, viewing angle, pixel density (essentially, resolution divided by viewing angle), lens features, method and quality of determining the position in space of the helmet and controllers.

Vacation planning

Soon, travelers who want to purchase a tour will be able to explore the place, hotel or city they plan to travel to. This technology has already been trialled at the Bluewater shopping center in Kent, UK. It includes virtual helicopter tours over Manhattan, a swimming pool in Rhodes, Greece and a restaurant in Cyprus.

As you can see, virtual reality is useful not only in the gaming industry. She is rapidly conquering new areas of activity and helping to make the world a little better.

What other areas do you think virtual reality can be used in?

2.5. Software


Blender is a professional and free software designed for creating 3D computer graphics. It includes tools for modeling, animation and rendering.


Unity is the most common VR development tool. With its help, you can import models created in Blender, configure interaction with these models, as well as their physics. For scripting, C# and UnityScript, reminiscent of JavaScript, are used. This engine can be used to create applications for WebGL, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. There is also integration with ARCore, ARKit.


: free and does not require deductions from profits.


: the volume of attracted investments is no more than 100 thousand dollars over the last 12 months.

Unreal Engine

Unity's main competitor is Unreal Engine. It allows you to write in C++ and Blueprints (visual programming). Supported platforms: AR (Android, iOS), VR (Google VR, Oculus, Gear VR, SteamVR, Windows MR)


: for free.


: 5% of sales revenue if quarterly revenue exceeds $3 thousand.
Comparison of Unreal Engine and Unity

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