Mining on a video card (GPU) - calculation of payback, comparison table 2022

The requirements for mining bitcoins are such that mining them on an NVIDIA video card is unprofitable. This is due to the fact that in the SHA-256 algorithm, the speed of hash selection depends only on the speed of the processor. Therefore, the volume and speed of RAM does not affect the hashrate. However, using NVIDIA cards for mining is quite possible. You just need to choose a cryptocurrency with an algorithm that requires a large amount of high-speed RAM to select hashes. In this case, using an ASIC with many processors and a small amount of RAM does not provide high performance.

Mining on NVIDIA video cards allows you to get a good income, provided you choose the right cryptocurrency and correctly configure the software. We will talk about this in this article.


  • List of features of t-rex miner 15.8:
  • Setting up t-rex miner.
  • Installation.
  • Miner configuration for HiveOS
  • Additional configuration arguments

The T-Rex miner is the most popular option these days for cryptocurrency mining thanks to the countless different algorithms it supports, offering good performance and being easy to use in most cases. The new version of T-Rex 0.6.1 adds two new algorithms - Bitcore and Sonoa, and also slightly improves the hashing of all supported algorithms except Lyra2Rz. The miner has improved a lot since its inception and it continues to receive regular updates to provide a better user experience...

Which cryptocurrencies are better to mine on NVIDIA

The first thing you should do after purchasing a video card for mining from NVIDIA is to decide on the target cryptocurrency. Taking into account the current exchange rate and the labor intensity of mining, the following coins are most suitable for mining:

  • Ethereum (DaggerHashimoto algorithm);
  • Ethereum Classic (DaggerHashimoto algorithm);
  • ZCash (Equihash algorithm);
  • Hush (Equihash algorithm);
  • Expanse (DaggerHashimoto algorithm);
  • Zencash (Equihash algorithm);
  • Sibcoin (X11Gost).

This is not a complete list of coins that can be mined on an NVIDIA card. In addition, new promising projects are regularly launched, which often bring great profits. than the “old-timers” of the market. Therefore, it is better to decide which cryptocurrency to mine shortly before launching the farm. To do this, you can use online calculators, which, based on the available equipment and the market situation, show which digital coins are the most “profitable” to mine.

Download T-rex miner

In addition, t-rex miner amd has added the function of sending additional shares, which allows you to reduce the number of refusals. If you are already using the T-Rex miner for mining, we recommend that you update it to the latest version to get the best performance for crypto mining. And as usual, we remind you that the miner has a closed source code and a 1% commission for the developer. Before using the miner, make sure that you have the latest version of the driver for your NVIDIA GPU video card installed, since the executable files for the Windows and Linux operating systems are fully compiled for CUDA 9.1 / 9.2.

t-rex nvidia gpu miner is the latest GPU miner that works on both Windows and Linux. This mining software is designed for NVIDIA Pascal and Maxwell 10xx, as well as Volta (Titan V) and Turing (20XX) graphics cards. Along with this feature, it also received minor speed improvements. The miner has improved a lot since its inception and it continues to receive regular updates to provide a better user experience. T-Rex is written from scratch and is not based on ccminer. This miner is only available as closed source binaries. Just like the enemy miner, T-Rex is only available as closed source binaries and supports most of the algorithms that the enemy miner also supports.

Even some users of the enemy miner report that the T-Rex miner is slightly faster than the enemy. So if you are mining Ravencoin during these hard times or any X17 or Lyra2Z coins, you should try this new version of T-Rex 0.7.0. Feel free to experiment with the Intensity setting, as I tried applying 25 on my 2xMSI Armor 1080Ti rig with the x16r algorithm, but it didn't work at first. Then I tried it for 24 and for the last 30 minutes it works without glitches. The developers also stated that in a future release their goal will be to fix any existing bugs, add new algorithms, new features and optimize the software to provide maximum performance for miners.

Optimized mining settings for Nvidia RTX 3060 TI

Proper setup of the GeForce RTX 3060ti lhr is fundamentally important for profitable mining. Even taking into account the unlocked driver, this stock video card produces about 40-43 MH/s; by playing with the values ​​of memory timings, core voltage and frequency, and memory speed, you can increase the hashrate by 15-25%.

At the same time, you need to understand that there are no ideal values ​​that are equally suitable for all video cards in this series. In many ways, the success of the 3060 for Eth mining depends on the quality of the video processor and RAM soldered on it.

It is impossible to evaluate it before purchasing and starting to use a video accelerator, so there is always room for chance. VGPU and VRAM parameters can differ quite significantly even on cards from the same manufacturer. Accordingly, to select the best settings you have to use trial and error.

According to the degree of difficulty of execution, the 3060 settings for mining Eth, Rvn and other similar cryptocurrencies are divided into simple ones, which can be done from msi afterburner, and complex ones, for which you will need to reflash the BIOS.

Basic setup of 3060 for mining includes the following steps:

  1. Installing msi afterburner.
  2. Setting the maximum power of the video card to 85%.
  3. Hash rate measurement.
  4. Reduce power in 5% increments until the hashrate starts to drop.

The memory and processor frequencies are also adjusted step by step:

  1. Lower the processor frequency by 400 MHz and reduce it by 100 MHz until the hashrate dips.
  2. Increase the memory speed by 500 MHz and increase it until the system no longer functions stably.

Changing the voltage on the 3060 core allows you to slightly reduce the power consumption of the video card, but in general, it does not have a big impact on mining efficiency. Thus, this setting can be neglected.

Additional settings for the 3060ti for Ethereum mining include setting the required memory timings. To do this, you will have to modify the video card firmware. This operation can bring up to a 5% increase in hash rate, but the card will most likely void the manufacturer's warranty. In addition, there is always a risk of equipment failure during the flashing process. Based on this, it can be recommended to those who understand well how and why they do it.

List of features of t-rex miner 15.8:

  1. Newly added support for Volta (Titan V) and Turing (20XX) graphics cards - if you have RTX 2080 or RTX 2080 TI cards, download CUDA 10 and use this miner. But note that it is not as optimized as CUDA 9.1 and CUDA 9.2.
  2. Performance Improvements: The developer mentioned that T-Rex version 0.7.0 has minor performance improvements compared to the previous version. With proper fine-tuning, you can expect +1% hashrate on X16 family algorithms.
  3. In version 0.7.0, T-Rex supports new command line arguments such as –temperature-limit and –exit-on-fail-share. If any temperature of your GPU exceeds the set limit, the miner will automatically stop using it. It also forcefully shuts down the miner if it consistently sends more than N numbers or rejects shares.
  4. The new version of t-rex fixes stability issues on x16r/s and bitcore. It supports an HTTP API handler to control the miner via a web browser, and also has some cosmetic changes. By default available at http://localhost:4067/trex
  5. Add miner efficiency (hashes per watt) to console output and API
  6. Print “Sending found block!” message when a block is detected and return this information to the API
  7. Command line arguments now take precedence over configuration files. If the argument is set in both places, the value from the cmd line overrides the configuration.

Example of a simple Windows miner failover script:

Overclocking rtx 3060 12 gb for ether mining up to 48 MH/s

The 3060 series video cards are capable of consistently delivering about 48 MH/s at a TDP of 110 W. Some users manage to configure the card for mining speeds of up to 60 MH/s, but these are extreme values ​​and you won’t be able to work on them for a long time. In addition, in the 3060, when overclocked, the RAM starts to get very hot. Temperatures with a large increase in VRAM clock frequency can exceed 110°C, with normal values ​​of 90-100°C under load. The consequence of such overclocking will be throttling of the processor and a reduction in the service life of the equipment. The average settings at which the 3060 will provide optimal and stable mining are as follows:

  • video processor frequency: - 500 MHz;
  • memory speed: + 1300 MHz;
  • power limit: 125 W;
  • Cooler speed: 75%;
  • hashrate: 46-48 MH/s;
  • temperature: 60-65°C;
  • power consumption: 120 W.

With these Ethereum mining settings, 3060 ti lhr should bring 300-400 rubles per day, depending on the cost of electricity.

Setting up t-rex miner.

  • Address editor

Open the address editor and save your XZC mining pool and wallet and complete the tutorial. In this case, we will store the XZC pool under the (POOL: XZC) tag and the XZC wallet under the (WALLET: XZC) tag.

Default mining client

Open the worker configuration and select TREX as the default mining client.

  • TREX configuration

Update the mining client configuration so that it is defined as:

{“pools”: [{“user”: “(WALLET: XZC).(WORKER),” url “:”(POOL: XZC),” pass “:” x “}],” no-nvml “ : true,” api-bind-http “:” “,” json-response “: true,” retries “: 3, “retry-pause”: 5, “timeout”: 500, “no- watchdog": true, "algo": "mtp", "log-path": "t-rex.log", "exit-on-cuda" -error ": true," exit-on-connection-lost ": false}

The (WORK)tag will be automatically replaced with your employee's name. T-Rex uses an algo parameter where you need to define the algorithm you are mining. All supported algorithms and their values ​​are also listed in the official Bitcointalk thread.

Algorithms supported by this software:

  • balloo
  • bcd
  • bitcore
  • c11
  • dedal
  • geek
  • hmq1725
  • lyra2z
  • phi
  • polytimos
  • renesis
  • sha256t
  • skunk
  • sonoa
  • timetravel
  • tribus
  • x16r
  • x16s
  • x17
  • x21s
  • x22i

Integration of the T-Rex miner for HiveOS.


You can install it in several ways:

  • Automatic installation from a template (Hive 2.0 example for Nicehash X16R pool below). You can skip the Miner name field - just copy the URL into the "Install URL" field and the correct miner name will appear.

  • semi-automatic: download using the custom-get command, custom-get also you can force reinstall or update the miner from the previous version by adding - f at the end there is this option custom-get -f (only for clients of the 0.5-xx series)
  • manually download the archive and unpack it to /hive/custom

How to reinstall AMD driver for mining

You can use the standard Windows Uninstaller file to do this, although this is not the most effective way to get rid of old software. AMD specialists recommend giving preference to the reliable, time-tested Display Driver Uninstaller program,

In the description of the new software there is an interesting note: “Those who want to install new drivers do so at their own peril and risk, since technical support and additions are not provided for this update.” Therefore, each miner must decide for himself whether to use upgraded drivers or install Radeon ReLive Crimson Edition Beta. Practice has proven that in ETH mining, the beta version gives an advantage of 1-2 hashes. It's hardly worth risking your video card for this kind of acceleration.

Miner configuration for HiveOS

Miner name- t-rex

Hash algorithm – select the algorithm that T-Rex supports (equivalent to -a argument)

Wallet and worker template - put Wallet in HiveOS syntax (equivalent to -u argument)

Pool URL - Place the pool URL here (equivalent to -o argument). For failover servers, use one on each line, with the first server being the primary server. The pool URL may contain a protocol (for example stratum+tcp://).

Password - enter password here (equivalent to -p argument), put x if password is not required by pool

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