How to build a farm for mining cryptocurrencies with your own hands

But to mine such cryptocurrencies you need a farm. It doesn’t matter if it’s made with your own hands or purchased on special trading platforms. Only this equipment is capable of providing enough power to carry out mining without the use of additional funds. Of course, even the most powerful farm is not enough for solo mining, so solo miners prefer to participate in pools. But for mining less popular coins, power offers from serious farms are enough even to organize successful solo mining.

Necessary components and recommendations for their selection

Before you start assembling a farm with your own hands, you need to buy mining equipment. And it is advisable to use a minimum of costs for this. Moreover, we will need not only basic functional hardware, but also components that will help the future farm operate in standard mode. In particular, the correct configuration will allow you to correctly connect video cards, cooling systems, etc.

According to the most conservative estimates, future miners may need the following components:

  • First of all, you need to buy video cards as the basis for a future farm. To fully work with not very popular currencies, at least three, but the more, the better. Professionals are not limited to twelve video cards. The main thing is that they have a high hash level. The higher the hashrate, the better, and the fewer video cards you will need. By the way, you don’t need any video cards, but ones specially created for the extraction of digital coins, or in extreme cases, some types of gaming cards will do. The main thing is that they have high performance and a normal reaction to a constant load;
  • In order for our mining station to work properly, we will need a power supply. But again, you only need to use very powerful equipment that can extract round-the-clock production. No one needs power outages during mining. The block must withstand the enormous load that will fall on it and not fail. Models from the middle price segment with a power of 1000 watts or more are suitable;
  • To provide additional power, video cards will require 6 pin cables and adapters. Moreover, each video card requires two such accessories. So, the more video cards you have, the more of these parts you need to buy. Although in most cases they come bundled with the video cards themselves;
  • A very important component of a mining rig is the motherboard. You need to select a model with the maximum number of PCI slots. This is so important because the video card is connected to these connectors;
  • CPU. You don’t have to bother buying a new and powerful one; the simplest model will do;
  • Hard drive, 60 or 120 Gb, it is better to take an SSD;
  • Random access memory (RAM) is calculated based on the number and power of video cards. But according to the most complex calculations, for a cryptocurrency farm assembled by yourself, 4 GB of RAM is enough;
  • To bring a card from the motherboard to the rack, you will need special components - so-called video card risers;
  • By the way, you also need a stand. This is the frame where the equipment will be installed. You can make it yourself, using available materials, rather than buying it. There are options made of metal or wood. Metal is stronger, but wood is safer;
  • Additional components. In particular, there must be fans. They will cool video cards that periodically overheat. Without fans, the farm will not last long.

It is important to install all this equipment in an unheated room. You don’t have to worry about your comfort – the equipment heats up so much that you will be warm. In addition, this solution allows you to reduce ventilation costs, for example, in winter. Just keep in mind that the air humidity is not high, otherwise it may adversely affect the equipment.

And now a couple of useful tips that will be useful when choosing equipment for creating a farm:

  1. The main thing is to choose exclusively modern equipment. Used devices have already served their purpose, maybe not completely, but they will last significantly less than brand new devices. In addition, do not forget about moral wear and tear. Equipment becomes outdated too quickly, therefore, to achieve success, you need to choose only the most modern and new parts with a guarantee from the manufacturer.
  2. Choose parts based on their maximum functionality. This is the great advantage of video cards, because with their help you can mine almost all cryptocurrencies. This is impossible with Asics. Therefore, having spent a large amount of money on equipment, I would like to have a guarantee that if Bitcoin does burst, I will not have to think about who to sell the absolutely useless equipment to.
  3. It's better to spend your money putting together a farm and not overpay. In particular, loans are prohibited. There is a big risk that you will go broke on interest, since the payback for the project in question is about a year (in the best case scenario). The loan will drive you into even greater debt. If you don’t have money, save up and only then set up mining.

Popular destinations

Cows are the most popular destination.
Many peasant families today keep several heads of cattle. For them, this is an affordable option for earning additional income by selling dairy products and meat. For some families this is the only source of income in rural areas.

The demand for these types of livestock products is consistently high. Perhaps you should also pay attention to this direction.

According to statistics, farm owners most often choose meat or dairy for their enterprise. There are more government requirements for milk production. And the costs for the dairy business will be higher than for the meat business.

The choice of cow breeds has many nuances. You need to carefully prepare for their purchase by studying as much information as possible. Learn more about the popular breeds in your area, carefully weighing the pros and cons of each. Keep in mind that there are meat breeds and there are dairy breeds. If funds are limited, you can buy heifers and keep them for 1-2 years. If there are 10 or more cows, a bull will be needed to fertilize them. For smaller quantities, artificial insemination is suitable.

Assembly algorithm - what are the nuances?

Homemade mining farms can bring no less profit than purchased ones, since they are created for a specific person, taking into account his interests and characteristics.
The instructions on how to make a farm are very simple, but for a professional. Assembling equipment is not that easy for beginners. Let's look at simple step-by-step instructions on how to assemble a mining rig with your own hands:

  1. First of all, you need to make a frame where the mining equipment will be placed. This frame is similar to a server rack. It must be strong and stable, since all equipment will be mounted on it.
  2. The motherboard is attached to the finished frame. Usually it is placed centrally on the bottom shelf. But you need to not just install it haphazardly, but make a slight elevation. Otherwise, the motherboard will come into contact with the surface, which cannot be allowed if you are figuring out how to assemble a mining rig yourself. You can use a small plastic block attached to the frame frame as a platform under the motherboard.
  3. Once the board is installed, before setting up and launching the mining rig, you need to install the processor and cooler. They are attached to it. That’s why it’s so important to secure the board really securely, otherwise the entire structure will collapse.
  4. Another step is installing the power supply. For this we need additional tools. In particular, self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws. It is with their help that we need to attach the power supply to the frame. The main thing is to maintain safety, because the fixation must be super reliable, otherwise there is a high risk of fire and the equipment will simply burn out. This must be taken into account before making a mining rig yourself.
  5. Next, install the indicator elements and the power button. These are not such important details, but without them the mining farm will be incomplete, so take care of the quality of these parts.
  6. Install the stand and attach the hard drive to it. It must be connected to the power supply and motherboard with special cables.
  7. The instructions on how to create a cryptocurrency mining farm yourself end with connecting video cards. The connection is made through additional power supplies and risers. Moreover, each video card is connected separately, taking into account the nuances of the models.
  8. The next stage is installation of an air or water cooling system around the rack with video cards.
  9. All that remains is to connect the mining farm, assembled with your own hands in 2022, to electricity and the Internet, and you can start mining cryptocurrency.

And don’t forget to at least look at the photo of a cryptocurrency mining farm if you create one with your own hands. Better yet, watch the video at the end of the article, which more clearly shows how to make reliable equipment for mining coins.

After which the miner must make sure that the computer for the farm is already configured and ready. It should have the latest version of Windows and Linux installed if you prefer. For Linux-based professionals, special operating systems for mining have already been created: MiningOS, EthOS and others. When everything is fine with this, install the mining program. To do this, follow the instructions on the selected pool. When everything is ready, launch the farm and start mining digital coins. Just don’t forget to create a wallet for the coin you will be mining and specify it in the settings of the miner program.

Requirements for a barn

The main requirement for livestock farming and livestock sheds is the availability of reliable and spacious premises. The inside of the building must be dry, clean and warm. According to established standards, the walls of the building must be at least 2.5 meters in height, and the roof - 3.5 meters close to the ridge. In addition, the building must be equipped with a ventilation system; window openings must be made slightly higher than the animals’ heads reach, so that daylight can enter the barn.

If these requirements are met, it is possible to make a good profit regardless of the period of the year. The owner of the farm will have to care for the herd, milk the cows, keep animals for meat, and sell the skins. This will ensure a stable material income, since these products are always in demand. To increase profits, you can expand your farm over time.

Pitfalls and risks

People who want to try their hand at mining should understand that there is no such thing as a budget farm created with your own hands in 2022. Profit-generating equipment is expensive. In addition, one of the main pitfalls of this type of mining is ensuring the operation of the farm:

  • A mining rig consumes electricity. A farm with 6 video cards consumes from 0.5 to 1 kW/h;
  • Users who assemble the farm must figure out how to do it themselves. Without certain technical knowledge, it is difficult to assemble and launch a mining farm on your own. There is a big risk that due to a minor glitch or some other problem, all the money and time spent on setting up the mining device will not be worth it;
  • The technical equipment of self-made mining devices is highly questionable. Since miners sometimes do not have enough knowledge to implement the project, they do not follow new products and do not know the latest news, and use inappropriate parts. Technical inconsistencies cause a high risk of breakdowns. In addition, the equipment is affected by the loads that it must constantly withstand. If done wrong, the farm won't even pay for itself;
  • To house a farm, a separate room or room is usually required. Preferably large and unheated. This will allow the equipment not to overheat, at least in winter. And the farm is quite noisy. Considering that a home mining rig will operate for a long time, this may cause discomfort;
  • The farm will need to be monitored. This is not a set-and-forget option. From time to time, various problems arise with Windows updates, drivers, the Internet, and others. To monitor the operation of the farm, it is recommended to set up email notifications on the pool (install an application on your phone to this email and set up notifications) if the farm suddenly stops mining. And for remote access to it it is convenient to use the TeamViewer program.
  • The need for an efficient cooling system does have a major impact on the comfort of the farm. Cooling also costs a lot of money for its maintenance. But this point cannot be ignored, since elevated temperatures damage the insulation and reduce the service life of the equipment. There are two cooling methods. The first is with the help of air. That is, you need to install air conditioners. But this is unprofitable, since energy costs will increase even more. You can use blowing, but then you need to take care of filters from dust, moisture, etc.
  • The second one can be cooled with water. Moreover, a system that provides such a cooling option can be installed independently. It is only important that the video card has a liquid cooling circuit. But you also need to install reliable ventilation. And this cannot be done without a professional.

Of course, there are some problems in any business, but you need to figure out how to get around these pitfalls before starting an activity. Otherwise, there is a risk of not making any profit at all, but only wasting your time and ultimately achieving nothing.

Variants of drawings of ant farms

We are glad to present you with a choice of several options for ready-made drawings of formicariums for self-production. To view the drawing better, click on the image to enlarge.

Option 1

Scheme 1 - vertical farm

Vertical farm. Dimensions are given in centimeters. A humidification channel is installed under chamber 1 and the large lower chamber. Ventilation is arranged in chambers 5 and 4 (above). Exit to the arena can be done either as shown in the figure, or through a tube from chamber 1 through wall 2.

Option 2

Scheme 2 - vertical farm

The truss is vertical, measuring 600mm in length and 450mm in height, and 20mm thick. 1 - glass flask with a uterus that will be buried. 2 - tube for humidification, about 5-10 mm thick, the section of the tube running along the bottom of the truss is cut off so that the water evaporates. 3 - legs, so that the truss does not fall, also made of glass approximately 5 mm thick. 4 - stones, ordinary garden ones, so that the tube (2) does not become clogged with anything. 5 - ground (all layers are approximately 50mm). 6 - colored quartz sand. 7 - These voids should appear when you fill up the sand. 8 - tubes, one to the outside, the other to the void. 9 - glass plates 3mm thick and 50mm long, thanks to them voids should appear (pos. 7). You can also complicate and improve it a little, and make not plates but a profile with the letter P, so that the voids are isolated from the ground and from the sides.

Option 3

Scheme 3 - horizontal truss
A horizontal version of a gypsum truss. The thickness of the plaster is 30 mm, the height of the chambers is 20 mm. The plate must be divided into two parts with a glass plate (thick black line), leaving a gap (or making a hole in the plate) for passage between the chambers. As a result, part of the gypsum board with two chambers will be moistened and the second will always be dry. For two humidified chambers there is air flow through the vent. In the upper dry chambers, ventilation occurs through the inlet. For a formicarium of this size, this is quite enough.

Option 4

Option for a horizontal truss for self-production. The size of the nest is 60x20x15 (LxHxD).

Left drawing: 1. Ventilation 2. Humidification shaft with iron mesh 3. Test tube with sponge 4. Glass/acrylic (4 mm)

Right drawing (sectional view from left) 1. Glass/acrylic (4 mm) 2. Test tube with sponge 3. Humidification shaft with iron mesh 4. Sponge

The nest is moistened by evaporating moisture from the sponge through holes with an iron mesh.

Let's start mining

After the miner has assembled the farm himself, it needs to be launched. But experts say that you don’t have to rush into this until you check the functionality of the supplied equipment. This can be done using the AIDA64 program. This program is a simple and effective software that provides comprehensive data on all components that will take part in mining. When the check has shown that the mining farm you created yourself is connected and working adequately, you can mine cryptocurrency.

But starting a farm is not as easy as it seems at first glance. This is a sequential process that only seems simple.

In particular, we tried to divide it into several mandatory steps:

  1. If we make a mining farm with our own hands, we can install a program that overclocks video cards to earn 10-20% more. For example, you can choose MSI Afterburner for this.

  2. It is also advisable to have a program that will allow you to remotely control your computer, because you won’t sit around your farm all day long and wait for the money to drop in. Therefore, having a program like TeamViewer will make life much easier.
  3. Professionals recommend installing the HWiNFO64 program, which is needed to monitor the system. But this is not necessary - it will just make mining activities a little easier.
  4. Select the cryptocurrency and the pool in which you will mine it. Of course, solo mining is also possible, but when creating a home farm for cryptocurrency mining, a pool is the best solution. In this way, you guarantee yourself a stable profit, even if you have to fight for it not on your own, but in company with other users.

  5. Having selected a cryptocurrency in the pool, find the “Help” section (although this depends on the pool you are joining) and download the miner.

  6. In the downloaded program, in the “start.bat” file, write down the wallet address, the name of your farm and your email for notifications.

When the software is ready, we launch the farm. This type of coin mining was in demand in 2019, and it looks like nothing is planned to change in 2022.


Rubber mats

Rubber mats for cattle are cheaper than polymer mats for cattle, and the quality leaves much to be desired. They are not shock-absorbing and do not protect the cow well from the cold.

Important! The thermal conductivity of rubber is 5 times lower than that of polyurethane. Therefore, you also need to lay sawdust or straw on top of rubber mats for cattle to make the animal warmer and softer

At the same time, a rubber mat for barns has a number of advantages:

  • does not deform;
  • serves for 2-3 years;
  • safe from an environmental point of view;
  • the animal does not slip on it, which means it is not injured.

For cows, the rubber mat is sold in different sizes: 120x180 and 90x160 cm. Its weight is up to 25 kg. There are holes for mounting in the barn. Thanks to a special tape, manure and urine do not get under it.

Rubber mat

Animals like to lie on cow bedding that contains bacteria. It is irreplaceable and lasts for a year and a half. Reduces costs for the farmer, as fewer employees are required to care for the livestock, and there is no need to add straw or sawdust.

Comber and brush

Thanks to the cow scratcher, the animal feels happy and even produces 3.5% more milk. The brush also helps keep the animal clean.

Cow brush


A modern cow farm is indispensable without headlocks for cows. The parts of the tool are made of plastic, so there is no noise from slamming.


Using a cow deluge allows workers to infuse liquid into the animal quickly and efficiently. With this device you won't have to carry water in buckets. You just need to bring the hose to the cattle's mouth.

Stun gun

Thanks to this tool, you can neutralize a mad cow for a while. But it is worth remembering that a stun gun is not suitable for a bull. The animal will not let you get that close.

Note! In addition to purchasing everything described above, the farmer should disinfect the barn twice a year, feed the animals properly, avoid drafts in the barn and avoid dampness.

It is important to regularly take blood samples to check for pathogens and get vaccinated. The veterinarian should regularly examine the livestock

A veterinarian should regularly examine livestock.

For hardware milking it is necessary to provide a milking stall

Scales for cattle are used to check the weight gain of animals; cows are weighed before sale. The scales are a platform with a fence for fixing the animal.

If small private farms do not have the opportunity to buy scales, the weight of cows is determined by measuring the oblique length of the body and chest girth. To calculate the weight, the Trukhanovsky formula is used. The result obtained is increased by 5% - 10% when the animal’s fatness is high, and reduced by the same percentage when the animal’s fatness is below the average level.

Drawing on how to make wooden feeders

Metal hay feeder

Asic controllers - which is better

Asic controllers are equipment that has come to replace mining on video cards. Powerful devices that can even mine Bitcoins, although not in such large volumes as a few years ago. They were created for one purpose - to make a profit. But these Asics also cost a lot. Although, if you buy a ready-made, powerful computer, the power of which is several times higher than similar installations created on the basis of video cards, then the expenses will pay for themselves quite quickly.

In addition, assembling farms not from video cards, but based on such controllers is much simpler and more profitable. But the investments are also more impressive. The price of one powerful device starts from one and a half thousand dollars. This is a lot for a novice miner, which is why not everyone uses this type of equipment. It is simply not affordable for everyone, even given the vague prospects for the price of Bitcoin to rise in the future.

That is why there are no fewer miners with homemade farms on video cards, even taking into account that this mining method has not been so popular and effective for a long time. We can say that ASICs are noticeably more profitable in almost all respects, but they are only suitable for one algorithm. Video cards can be switched for mining different currencies.

If the ASIC breaks, you can only throw it away, while the broken part in the farm can be replaced and continue to work.

Personnel: how to provide work for the whole family and neighbors

Farming is most often a family business.
Often, not only its owner and organizer, but his entire family is involved in the farm. Food production in our country is traditionally a family business, in which several generations are employed, as well as close and distant relatives of the family.

If you have a family, discuss this issue with them in advance. Of course, a family farm is more profitable than hired labor. Each employee has a personal interest in the success of the business and will work conscientiously. And there are savings on staff salaries. At first, after opening, this will be very useful.

If the farming business becomes a family affair, there is a greater chance of receiving preferential conditions from the state. Nowadays there are government programs specifically for creating family farms. For example, to open such a farm, you can get a loan on preferential terms.

Financial side of the issue

Since we are talking about benefits, we cannot ignore the financial side of the issue. As soon as you think about creating a mining farm at home, it is important to calculate how much it will cost and when it will pay off. The easiest way to assess the financial side of the issue is with the help of special calculators. But first, let’s calculate how much it will cost to assemble the farm in question.

The most expensive parts of the kit are the video cards, and the cheapest are the corners and other parts for the rack:

  • The base can be made for approximately several hundred rubles, including payment for materials;
  • Video cards will have to be purchased for at least $300 apiece. And considering that you need at least six cards, this expense item is one of the most impressive;
  • The motherboard, if, for example, you take it from an inexpensive one (ASRock FM2A88M Extreme4+R2.0), will cost from 5,700 rubles. But a professional mining farm with such a board will not work. You will need to buy a more powerful option, like AsRock H81 PRO BTC R2.0. for eight and a half thousand rubles. With such a motherboard you can install up to six video cards;
  • The next expense item is the purchase of a processor. The cheapest ones cost from three thousand rubles;
  • RAM is also not cheap. To get the required amount, you will have to buy special boards for at least 2 GB. One such board costs approximately two thousand rubles;
  • A hard drive with a capacity of at least one 60 GB costs from 3 thousand rubles, and this is with minimal investment.

In addition, before making your own mining farm, take into account the personal costs of paying for electricity and the Internet.
By the way, the Internet may have low speed, but for effective coin mining it must be stable and work without interruptions. From time to time you will have to buy and replace some parts that fail. Another important point in discussing the financial side of the work is cryptocurrencies and their profitability. It’s too late to use a farm to mine Bitcoins, but there are alternatives: Nem, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, ZCash, etc.

Ethereum (rate over $900) and Litecoin (rate over $200) offer high returns. For example, let's look at the indications for Ethereum mining using Radeon RX 580 x 6 video cards as of March 2022:

  • Farm productivity 180 Mh/s;
  • Profit 300 dollars per month;
  • Costs for paying electricity bills – $50 per month (taking into account that the average figure of 4 rubles per kilowatt was used in the calculation);
  • Current price is about $4,500;
  • The payback, taking into account the farm cost calculated above, is 18 months, unless the coin rate rises sharply and the mining difficulty remains the same (which is unrealistic).

It is also necessary to take into account that the difficulty of mining regularly increases, and the assembled farm will mine less and less coins every month.

That is, when looking for answers to the question of the financial profitability of the created farm, you need to take into account the following components:

  • The hash rate used by the equipment. Simply put, power;
  • The total price of a farm made with your own hands;
  • The current price of the cryptocurrency you are mining (in the example we used Ethereum);
  • Energy consumption of the farm and the price of 1 W in the region where the home-made farm operates.

All these indicators must be indicated in a special calculator. The following resources provide relatively accurate information:

  1. WhatToMine.
  2. NiceHash.

How to keep livestock using the tether method

The economic farmer takes care of his livestock. If you use the untethered method in a hangar, then the building should:

  • connect to the water supply and electrical network;
  • maintain special equipment that monitors the well-being of animals and the indoor microclimate;
  • be with an area of ​​at least 1000 m²;
  • the height of the room must be above 6 m;
  • for 50 cows, the size of the hangar should be 15x70 m.

Important! It is worth considering which products will predominate: dairy or meat. With the free-stall method of obtaining milk, when cows have free access to the feeder and can also walk, milking is done in a special room

The main technology for collecting milk is carried out in:

With the free-stall method of obtaining milk, when cows have free access to the feeder and can also walk, milking is done in a special room. The main technology for collecting milk is carried out in:

  • boxing;
  • combibox;
  • on deep litter that does not change.

The advantages include:

  • high efficiency;
  • improved working conditions;
  • good handling of livestock.

Of the minuses:

  • animals become just a herd, without nicknames;
  • they fight for food and water;
  • the amount of feed consumed increases;
  • Additional requirements apply to animals.

Additional Information! A dedicated milking parlor uses either a herringbone or tandem approach. The length of the milk pipeline is reduced by 5 times, which improves the quality of the dairy product and also provides the required sanitary care.

To keep cows free-stall, the following conditions must be met:

  • ensure separate maintenance of livestock;
  • eliminate the disorderly movement of milked and unmilked cows;
  • ensure the passage of milked animals to the paddock or to the feeding trough.

This method guarantees an increase in milk yield and faster weight gain for animals. The cattle stands in its own compartment, which has an area of ​​up to 2.5 m². Here she lies, relieves her natural needs, and has access to a feeding trough. Almost all large farms use this method.

The disadvantage is the need to increase the labor force to feed the animals, clean up after them, as well as veterinarians to monitor the health of the animal, since chronic diseases develop in sedentary cattle.


  • animals do not collide and are not injured;
  • each animal receives as much feed as it needs, the stronger animal does not eat the weaker;
  • feed consumption is reduced by 10%, which is beneficial for the farmer;
  • It is easier for veterinarians to monitor each animal;
  • the cow produces 20% more milk, and the calf gains weight 15% faster;
  • milking cows is easier.

Note! If you build stalls in a barn correctly, urine and manure will flow outside the barn. There is a standard way of milking in a special milking parlor

In this case, the cows have an automatic tether, but it can also be semi-automatic. This doubles the productivity of milk production

There is a standard way of milking in a special milking parlor. In this case, the cows have an automatic tether, but it can also be semi-automatic. This doubles the productivity of milk production.

Note! In addition, the cows pass through the wash, which ensures the purity of the product.

How to arrange stands in a room

Miners use a ceiling hood using a suspended ceiling made of chipboard and a slot for a fan.

An example of the location of rigs indoors.

The fan can be replaced with 120mm coolers to drive hot air towards cooling coolers located on the ceiling. The diameter of the ceiling fan is from 400mm to 500mm, installation is for exhaust from the room.

Wiring requirements for maintaining mining rigs

You need copper wiring, aluminum is not suitable. In new buildings from 2005, copper is used, in Stalin and Khrushchev buildings, aluminum wiring is used.

If the wiring is aluminum, then try making copper wiring from the panel to the truss. Risk? High. This is a complete collective farm and cannot handle anything more than a home farm.

When 15 kW is allocated to a room, do not use everything from one outlet - this is dangerous, it will not withstand it.

A harsh Russian LED signals an overload from the farm.

  • In old apartments with aluminum wiring, power supply is limited to 2 - 3 kW, where 1 kW is required for household appliances. In houses with old wiring there is room for 12 cards of the 1060 or RX570/580 level at max. reducing their power consumption.
  • If the apartment has or has previously installed an electric stove, then the issue with the load disappears.
  • 1 kW of farm consumption requires 300 cubic meters. meters of air.

Manufacturing materials

Wood is not the only material from which trusses are made. They are also made from steel. After all, metal structures are also often used in private housing construction, when the roof is covered with sheet metal.

Steel rafter trusses are made not only at the construction site of the house, but also in the factory. Enterprises produce structures with standardized dimensions. The length of such structures is 18, 24, 30 and 36 m.

Metal trusses are created from steel angles and profiled pipes with rectangular and square cross-sections. All elements are welded together. Wide-flange T-beams are also used for their manufacture. Experts consider such designs to be the optimal solution, which is highly reliable.

On a note! For long spans, reinforced concrete trusses can even be used. This type of lattice structures is mainly used in the construction of one-story buildings.

Reinforced concrete floor beam trusses Source
Manufacturers produce reinforced concrete trusses for roofs with a slight slope. Triangular non-braced structures and segmental braced products are also manufactured. Reinforced concrete trusses have high strength and high weight. Therefore, when installing them, special construction equipment is always used.

Despite the possibility of using metal and reinforced concrete structures, wooden floor trusses are more often used in the construction of private houses. They are mainly made from beams. If the structure is subject to large loads in the vertical direction, then it can be created from a wide board. The specific material for the manufacture of the truss is selected depending on the allocated budget for construction and the required strength of the final product.

There are also other farm options:

  • Combined structures with a steel base and wooden other parts, used to secure very heavy elements. The use of two different materials reduces the overall weight of the truss. At the same time, its strength remains at the same level.

Trusses made of wood and with a metal base Source

  • Structures made of plywood pipes, which are lightweight. They are even lighter than products made from boards. However, trusses made from plywood pipes are not very strong.
  • Structures made of fiberglass and wood are a very rare option. However, its advantage is its low weight and high strength characteristics.

Any truss is a building structure, the use of which makes it possible not to install additional supports if a large span is covered. After all, such a product has high rigidity, strength and reliability. If the structure is made of wood, then its assembly can be carried out on the ground, and then raised to the desired level of the house even without the use of special equipment.

In addition, the trusses do not sag. Their insignificant deformation can be determined if you use a special tool. In addition, it is convenient to lay utility lines for the house inside the structures.

Engineering communications of a private building inside a farm Source

Important! A truss is a structure that must always be manufactured with high precision. This is the only way to ensure a solid foundation for the roof. Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from professionals who are well aware of all the intricacies of creating such structures.

Advantages and disadvantages of different metals for the construction of metal trusses

The material used for metal trusses made from profile pipes is carbon steel of ordinary quality and high quality, as well as structural and alloy steel. Pipes with a protective layer of zinc can be used. Aluminum is used in the manufacture of compact seasonal structures.

For the construction of small buildings on private plots that include farms, carbon steel St3sp, St3ps is usually used, sometimes it can be galvanized. This material has a sufficient level of strength to make the structure reliable. Whereas the listed steels differ little in terms of rust resistance.

Even products made of structural and alloy steels corrode over time under the influence of precipitation. A small proportion of alloying components cannot protect a metal truss from such destruction. Typically used low-alloy steels such as 30KhGSA, 30KhGSN, 38KhA contain 2–4% alloying elements, which does not in any way affect their corrosion resistance.

If we talk about strength, then structural and alloy steels last much longer than carbon steels, bearing cyclic loads more easily. However, this characteristic appears in the metal only after heat treatment. Since quenching and tempering can negatively affect the shape of the pipes, finished products are not subjected to heat treatment. Sometimes they resort to annealing seamless pipes - this removes the residual stress present in the metal, and it becomes more soft.

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